The Stereotypical Romance

     So, as you probably know, I hate romance plots in literature, television, movies, pretty much everywhere. I believe it's totally overused and tends to overshadow more important things, as well as making at least one character look like a total idiot fawning over the other. However, as I have no way to express this idea through words, I've decided to show you the typical romance plot as I see it, which is featured in everything from Disney movies, to books about serial killers (yes this is said from recent experience).

Dragonsoul by Kayl Karadjian

*This book was given to me for free in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects or influences my opinion of the book.*
by Kayl Karadjian

  • Fiction, Fantasy, YA
  • 11+ for minimal violence and language
  • Published October 19th, 2016 by Kayl Karadjian

Required Reading

     Obviously, I love reading. I run a book blog for goodness sake, I'm not exactly hiding it. However, there are circumstances in life that can make even the biggest bookworm refuse to read. For me, that circumstance is required reading. Whether it's for a class or my mom making me read it, required reading always puts me in a book slump, and it can be hard to come out of.

Escape From Asylum by Madeleine Roux

Escape From Asylum
by Madeleine Roux

  • Fiction, Horror, YA
  • 13+ for mild violence
  • Trigger Warning: violence, homophobia, transphobia
  • Published June 14th, 2016 by Harper Collins